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Adult Correspondence Courses

Online Courses now Available!

Offered since 1983, the Pilgrim Institute correspondence courses combine the benefits of instruction by master teachers with the convenience of self-paced study in America's Christian History and Government.

  • Recorded lectures by master teachers
  • Assignments reviewed and comments made by Pilgrim Institute staff
  • Certificate of completion

The series currently includes Rudiments of America's Christian History and Government, American Christian Philosophy of History and Government, and American History: Christian Self-Government with Union.

"The rebuilding of America's Christian foundation and its super-structure of individual freedom, begins in the homes of American Christians, with the adults of this generation putting a stop to the ignorance of America's Christian History. The rebuilding does not begin in the legislative halls of our states or of the nation." Verna M. Hall*

Verna M. Hall, The Christian History of the American Revolution: Consider and Ponder (San Francisco: The Foundation for American Christian Education, 1975), page xxxv.